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律 lu1

Home Pinyin lu1

定律 dìnglǜ law

法律 fǎlǜ juridical; laws; legal

菲律宾 fēilǜbīn philippines

规律 guīlǜ disciplinarian; law

纪律 jìlǜ disciplinary; discipline; disciplined; indiscipline

戒律 jièlǜ commandment; precept

律师 lǜshī attorney; attorneys; barrister; counsels; lawyer; lawyers; solicitor

旋律 xuánlǜ chanter; melodic; melodies; melody

一律 yīlǜ always

韵律 yùnlǜ cadence; rhythm

主旋律 zhǔxuánlǜ main melody

自律 zìlǜ self-discipline; self-regulation

Copyright (c) 2021 David Pearce